Sunday, September 14, 2014


It was a relatively easy flight over with some small bumps along the way. The one small but minor thing was unfortunately being woken up by the announcement on the p.a. of how to place the oxygen mask over your face. Not the best way to wake up while flying over the atlantic or for your heart, but I am now familiar with the process should it ever happen again.
It seems there was a slight malfunction and as one attendant pointed out that in his 25 years, he hadn't ever seen it happen before. They stayed down for the duration of the flight. 

The bike made it in one piece and I've since assembled it and it seems to be working so far. I'll be heading out for a short ride tomorrow to see how it is:
Despite the rough around the edges process of getting here with the bike it was great to have my cousin Igor meet me at the airport. Him and his partner Urska have been great to spend time with and we've been sampling some Slovenian wines and having a few late nights chatting and learning about our respective cultures.
There is no shortage of galleries and museums here. This year marks the 2000th birthday for the city known as Emona in 14 AD when the Romans founded a permanent settlement here. 
One area that seems to be a little different in comparison to the rest of the city is Metelkova. It was originally army barracks but squatters took it over in 1993, one year after Slovenia became independent from Yugoslavia. Perhaps one extreme to the other might be an appropriate way of summing it up:

Its now a centre for numerous studios, bars, clubs and art spaces.
I have one more day here and then will be heading east towards Celje (sell-ya) with the intention of getting to Murska Sobota up in the north east. I'm trying to organize farm stays along the way. The first one is on a hop farm. So tomorrow will be my last day here but we will spend the evening at my cousin Ursula's art opening at the Ljubljana castle which should be great:

One of the ways that I viewed the outskirts of the city was by cycling the 34 km Trail of Remembrance/Pot Spominov. Its a pathway/pot that marks where the barbwire fence was set up by the Germans during WWII that encircled the entire city. Being a Sunday, and the first day of no rain for the week, it was a busy trail with lots of families out for walks, runs and bike rides.

Its been a great visit to the city with so much going on its been tough trying to fit everything in. But there are lots of other places to get to and km's to pedal. I've sufficiently added some calories to my reserves which should help me travel down the hills faster and make sure I don't climb too quickly; whats that good for? 
Until the next entry.
Cousin Igor at the office

Exhibition at the Gallery of Contemporary Art

View from Ljubljana Castle.

Photo gallery at Ljubljana Castle.

Free jazz concert at the townhall.

One of the many bridges spanning the Ljubljana river.

Entrance to the city library designed by Joze Plecnik. Completed in 1941. Designed so as you ascend the stairs you arrive at 'the light of knowledge' at the library's main colonnade.
Ljubljana @ night

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